Conference Information
The 2025 FBD conference will be held at the Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills, Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 19 - 22, 2025.
Note that the FBD Conference will follow all venue/city/state/federal guidelines related to COVID-19.
Conference Documents
Ready to Register?
Conference Registration is now open. Discounted fees apply to those who register before February 27 at 5:00 pm CST. Go to the FBD Registration Page to register. Select the association for which you need to register and then select the appropriate options. Note that your payment includes the appropriate FBD registration fee. If you need to register for more than one association or need to modify your registration at a later date, please contact Kelly Noe ( Online late registration continues on/about March 22 but at a higher amount. On-site registration is also available beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 19th.
The 2025 Call for Registrations includes all conference fee information. Click Here or go to the Registration Page to register for the conference.
Register early and avoid the late fees
Your Program Chairs -
The Ones Who Make It All Happen
FBD General Program Chair - Cassy Henderson -
AARE - Marina Ruseva
ABC-SWUS - Ashton Mouton -
ASBE - Rhonda Richards -
ABIS - Mahesh Raisinghani -
ACME - Lili Gai -
DSI, SW - Kabir Hassan -
SWAM - Bradley Winton -
SWCRA - Courtney Kernek -
SSE - Wei Feng -
2026 FBD Conference March 18 - 21, 2026 Dallas/Richardson, Texas
Renaissance Dallas Richardson Hotel
900 E. Lookout Drive
Richardson, TX 74082
Conference Dates: 3/18/26 through 3/21/26
Room rates: single/double $159
Cutoff Date for Reservations: 02/24/2026
2025 FBD Conference March 19 - 22, 2025 Tulsa, Oklahoma
Book Your Reservation Here
Thank you to our 2024 Exhibitors
Promote your business at our annual conference. Contact FBD Director of Marketing, Will Senn, at or view our Call for Exhibitors.
The total registration fee is made up of three parts
Part 1: FBD General Conference Fee
Everyone is required to pay this fee once each conference attendance.
Part 2: Association Registration Fee
Everyone must pay at least one association registration fee. You must register for any association in which you are listed in the program as a presenter, moderator/discussant, panelist, etc.
If you are registering for more than one association, you will need to contact the Secretary/Treasurer, Kelly Noe, to obtain the password to add more than one association. The fees on the regular registration already include the FBD fee and selecting multiple associations there will result in overpayment of those fees which will have to be refunded at a later date.
Part 3: Optional Conference Fees
These are optional fees you may elect to pay to attend the FBD Awards Banquet and Reception or to bring a guest to certain FBD or other association conference events.