About The FBD Journal
Ready to submit your manuscript to FBDJ?
ISSN 2324-710X
FBDJ Editor: Mary Fischer, University of Texas -Tyler

What is the FBD Journal?
The Federation of Business Disciplines Journal (FBDJ) is an academic publication that focuses on promoting and improving research and educational activities of business disciplines in both a national and international environment. The Journal is designed to:
- Provide a forum to publish FBD research papers and case studies either presented at the FBD annual meeting or authored by meeting attendees
- Foster intellectual growth and enrichment for members of the FBD associations
- Provide information that can be used for classroom instruction, research and
academic or business development
FBDJ Mission
FBDJ’s mission is to facilitate the ultidisciplinary exchange of thoughts and ideas that foster
professional growth and enrichment for members of the Federation of Business Disciplines associations to improve instruction, research and academic/business development.
> Recognition as a high quality publication
> Promote high-quality publication for interdisciplinary business research and case
> Increase diversity and encourage multidisciplinary interaction through the
dissemination of intellectual contribution publication
> Encourage excellence through peer evaluation of scholarly work
FBDJ Editorial Board
Mary Fischer (Editor) - University of Texas at Tyler
Irfan Ahmed - Sam Houston State University
Dan French - University of Missouri
Larry Garner - Texas A & M – Central Texas
Bo Han - Texas A&M University - Commerce
M. Kabir Hassan - University of New Orleans
Stephen Horner - Pittsburg State University
Betty Kleen - Nicholls State University
Matthew Lindsey - Stephen F. Austin State University
Mark McMurtrey - University of Central Arkansas
Derek Oler - Texas Tech University
James Philpot - Missouri State University
Cheryl Prachyl - University of Texas at Arlington
Marcel Robles - Eastern Kentucky University
Ready to submit your manuscript to FBDJ?
Manuscript Types Accepted for Submission
These articles will include data analysis (e.g., experimental research and survey). Types of manuscripts considered in this section include, but are not limited to, those
investigating business processes or behavior, experimental studies, or psychometric investigations of instruments used to gather data. Authors must provide sufficient information to allow knowledgeable readers to fully understand the manner in which the study was conducted and the analysis performed. This information includes survey instruments used to gather data, tests conducted pertaining to nonresponse bias, validity, and internal consistency, and
discussions of control measures implemented in experimental studies. Should the survey include human subject, evidence of the institution’s human subject’s approval must be certified.

These articles include business disciplines and their relation to a wide variety of political, social, cultural and economic issues. The manuscripts should concern issues
regarding knowledge of business and management theory, practice and/or learning.as well as how pedagogy works within and across a variety of issues. Authors must provide sufficient information and literature support to enable readers to understand the implications and limitations of the specific theory and practice being presented. Comparative as well as new
perspective studies are encouraged.
Case Studies
Types of manuscripts considered in this section include, but are not limited to, those investigating business issues and managerial cases. Authors must adequately document innovations including solutions illustrating how the situation differs from traditional presentation. Cases must include a complete set of teaching notes accompanied by any necessary supplemental tables or schedules to document computations. Evidence of the utilization of the case together with sample results and analyses should be included as part of the teaching notes documentation. Teaching notes will not be published in the FBD Journal. They will however be made available to academics who submit a request to the editor for their use. The request must include an affidavit ensuring the notes will be used only for instructional purposes and not be made available to others or posted to an electronic data base.

Replication Studies
These articles will include a complete or partial replication of a previously published study and may include an extension beyond the replication. Authors are encouraged to contact the author of a replicated study to ensure the replication is valid. The author of the replicated study will be asked to be a third reviewer. Authors must describe how the replication study is similar and/or different from the previously published study. Authors should present results in the same manner as the previously published study for comparison purposes. Presentation of additional results is also permitted. Of particular interest to the journal are replication studies across geographic boundaries testing the generalizability of the findings.